We were drawn to Tracie Miles' new book, God's Got You, because of the topic of embracing new beginnings with courage and confidence and remembering that God never changes. We can all relate to entering a life transition and feeling anxious, whether that transition is to something we’ve looked forward to or something we never saw coming. We loved this conversation with Tracie as she shared encouragement for women entering a time of transition, as well as how we can support our friends entering a new season. LINKS: God’s Got You) Living Unbroken) Unsinkable Faith) Love Life Again) Proverbs 31 Ministeries) Compel Pro) Elizabeth Woodson's Instagram post)RECOMMENDED: Check out our interview) with Rachel Setliffe when she joined us from Scotland to share her heart behind her ministry, Restored Home.
MARKED is a podcast from Lifeway Women: https://women.lifeway.com/blog/podcasts/).Hosted by Elizabeth Hyndman).
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Learn more about the Prepare Him Room virtual event at lifeway.com/preparehimroom).
Learn more about the *Joy to the World *Advent Bible study at lifeway.com/joytotheworld).