This week we talk about an article where the author claims that his budget OLED TV has ruined movie theaters for him. We also give you seven reasons why buying a DAC may be in your future. We also read your emails and take a look at the week’s news.
Buying a budget OLED TV has ruined movie theaters for me We received an email from long time listener Olof (from Sweden) in which he sent us a link to an article “Buying a budget OLED TV has ruined movie theaters for me)” and it got us wondering if others feel the same way. So let’s see why the author came to this conclusion. 7 reasons why a DAC could be your music purchase of the year If you’ve never heard of a “DAC”, don’t worry, most people haven’t. The thing is, it is one of the best ways to improve the quality of the digital music we consume every day, whether that be through a phone, laptop or proper audio system. (Only listen to music exclusively through vinyl? This probably isn’t the article for you.) Full article here…)