Dr. Nate Zinsser, is an expert in the psychology of human performance who consults with individuals and organizations seeking a competitive edge, including professional sports teams like the Philadelphia Flyers and New York Giants, joins our show in this special episode of the Elite Man Podcast! In today’s episode Dr. Nate Zinsser talks about how to cultivate unshakeable confidence in any aspect of life. He breaks down his work with world-class athletes, including Superbowl champions and national wrestling champs, and the incredible trainings he uses to condition their minds for ultimate performance. If you’re wondering how to unleash your confident mind, check this episode out now!
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In our episode we go over:
• Dr. Nate Zinsser’s work with Superbowl champion quarterback Eli Manning and how he helped Eli win 2 rings against the New England Patriots
• Cultivating your mind to forget about the past bad performances and be optimistic now
• The work that goes into confidence behind the scenes
• How to cultivate the confidence muscle
• The techniques and trainings that Dr. Z works on with world-class athletes
• The importance of how you think about yourself
• Working with your memories and past performance
• The mental toughness involved in wrestling
• The importance of training vs. mindset vs. genetics
• The fact that we all have confidence in us already
• Changing the way you think of yourself
• The fact that you are unique and have something special
• Honing in on your talents to maximize your success
• Daily trainings that people can do to improve their confidence
• The fact that confidence is situationally specific
• The 3 questions you should be asking yourself at the end every day
Check out Dr. Z on:
Website: https://www.natezinsser.com/)
Book: The Confident Mind)
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*Check out Justin’s new book ELITE MIND) at EliteMindBook.com.
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