What is the best way to get ahead in today’s ecommerce marketplace? Do you need to have the very best product that money can buy or do you just need a killer strategy? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains why he believes attention is the new currency. Scott also touches on how to monetize your traffic, five benefits of getting more traffic on your site, why you should become the top go-to resource in your target market, how to create compelling content, and much more. You don’t want to miss a minute of this informative episode!
One of the most obvious ways to prove that attention is the new currency is to look at how companies like Amazon and Google are making people pay for it. If you want to show up on Google’s search results, you’ve got to be willing to fork out some money to be on that first page. The other side of this is the fact that if you can gather a sizeable following, people will pay you for the privilege to get in front of your audience. For some specific ways that sellers like you can monetize your traffic, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller!
Still not convinced that taking steps to increase your traffic on your site will pay dividends for your brand? Scott was ready for you! He’s come up with five benefits that sellers like you will see if you take time and energy to get more people to your site.
Just one or two of these benefits would be worth it to pursue this strategy but take a look at all five! What else can you do to get these types of benefits for your brand? Not much! Listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott expands on these benefits!
What strategies have you been using to drive traffic to your ecommerce business’ home base? Have you thought of using paid services to get traffic to your site? Scott is here to help remove some of the mystery and lay out a clear path that sellers like you can use to increase traffic.
At the end of the day, what Scott wants to do is help sellers like you serve your market well. Scott’s number one rule for getting more traffic is for sellers to become a top resource in your market by giving value and being helpful. If you want to dive deeper with this valuable lesson, make sure to listen to this fascinating episode of The Amazing Seller!