It’s time once again for the Friday edition ofthe Amazing Seller podcast. Why is that special? Because theseFriday editions are the “Ask Scott” version of the show where ScottVoelker answers your questions questions from real life Amazonsellers who have run into a snag, hurdle, or issue of confusion intheir Amazon Private Label business. Scott’s got over a year ofexperience doing his own private label business and has also hadthe opportunity to learn from numbers of experienced guests as he’sinterviewed them on his podcast. You’ll find Scott’s answersrevealing, helpful, and timely, so be sure you take the time tolisten.
A listener to the podcast wants to know ifthere is a way he can structure his PPC campaigns so that his adsshow up in all of the ad boxes available for his product keywords.Why would he want to do that? If he could do so, he wouldhave his product shown on the page more than any other products.That translates into a higher percentage chance that he will getthe purchase rather than some of his competition. Although Scott isnot entirely sure if this can be done, he does give some goodadvice on how to go about trying on this episode of thepodcast.
When you sell a product that can come in avariety of colors, how should you go about determining whichcolors are the best ones to offer? Today a listener asked that veryquestion and Scott has some very practical advice on how to goabout choosing the colors that you were going to sell. Youshouldn't guess, and you shouldn't do what feels right to you. Youshould do what the facts tell you. On this episode Scott is goingto tell you how to find out the facts and how to apply them to yourown color choices when it comes to variations on yourproducts.
It's a great idea to have products on theAmazon selling platform that are closely related to each other.This enables you to get cross sales from one product to another,which increases your profitability. But at some point you're goingto need to decide if those products are so closely related thatthey are actually variations of each other, or if each one isunique enough that it deserves and should have its own listing. Onthis episode of the podcast Scott answers a question about thatissue and gives some very practical advice.
If you are new to the world of private labelsales on Amazon you can get a free 10-day course from Scott thatwalks you through all the steps you need to take to find yourproduct, research whether it is worth investing in, get itestablished on the Amazon platform, start to drive sales throughpromotions, and follow up with your customers, as well as much,much more. You can get that free 10 day course about private labelsales by listening to this episode of the podcast.
[0:03] Scott’s introduction to thisAsk Scott episode of the podcast! [0:55] How you can ask your ownquestions. [1:15] Scott’s daughter is nowengaged! [3:40] 2 victories posted insidethe TAS community on Facebook. [5:30] QUESTION ONE: All of myproducts are closely related, how can I use PPC effectivel