Every person who takes on the challenge of building their own business through Amazon’s Private Label options dreams of hitting it big with real product success from the start. Today’s episode highlights a guy who did just that. Scott Thomas and his partner stepped out of the ecommerce realm to try their hand at Amazon simply because the Amazon Sales platform is such a powerful machine for drawing in customers and closing sales. Even with their experience in Ecommerce they were shocked at how quickly their products took off. Hear the whole story on this episode.
The importance of quality checking your first order, yourself.
Scott and his partner put in their first order from a supplier in China and received it within a few months rather than having it sent directly to Amazon. They are very glad they did because there were a number of things wrong with the order. If it had reached Amazon as it was shipped things would have gone very wrong. Scott recommends that every Amazon Seller check their first couple of orders themselves to make sure everything is dialed in and the supplier knows exactly what to do every time. Hear more of Scott’s advice on the Amazing Seller.
A novel way of getting the first 20 sales of his product and the impact it had.
Scott Thomas and his partner have gone through Scott Voelker’s material and knew they could get sales and reviews by offering discounts on their product. But they had a hunch that if they had full price sales within the first few days of their product being listed, they’d bounce higher in the rankings almost immediately. So they explained what they were doing to 20 close friends and asked them to purchase their product at full price to help them get things rolling. Those 20 sales came in within a few days and things happened exactly as they suspected. Find out more about how Scott combined that tactic with Amazon PPC in this episode.
How should you go about determining modifications to make to your Private Label products to make them unique and more appealing to buyers?
Scott Thomas discovered that one of the best ways to find out what consumers want is to spend time reading posts in the forums where your ideal customers hang out. They often talk about specific products and their gripes and gratitude surrounding those products. From there a ton of ideas come up that enable Scott to make the modifications that people buying their products actually want. That’s just one of Scott’s tactics and you can hear the rest by listening to this episode.
Get on board Scott Voelker’s free live workshop to learn how to do Amazon Sales.
If you’ve never attended one of Scott’s free live workshops to learn the basics of how he sells products on Amazon, you’re missing out. Scott walks through is product selection and launch process step by step so you know exactly what to do. And as a bonus, he answers questions at the end of every workshop session. If you want to connect with Scott and other Amazon Sellers as a part of the next workshop, you can! Go to www.TheAmazingSeller.com/workshop) to sign up.