Mike, Pam, and Rikki are here today answering your awesome Listener Questions! Today, we start with a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of when to upgrade a Magic Your Way ticket to an Annual Pass - at the beginning or end of a trip. We also discuss the upcoming Big Thunder Mountain refurbishment and if a guest should move their trip, with Marathon Weekend crowds in mind. Pam and Rikki also give their thoughts on the newly-announced Lightning Lane Premier Pass debuting at Walt Disney World and Disneyland as well! Please come join the BOGP Clubhouse on our Discord channel at www.beourguestpodcast.com/clubhouse! Thank you so much for your support of our podcast! Become a Patron of the show at www.Patreon.com/BeOurGuestPodcast). Also, please follow the show on Twitter @BeOurGuestMike and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/beourguestpodcast. Thanks to our friends at The Magic For Less Travel for sponsoring today’s podcast!