Your first patient of the morning is an 18 month year old female patient who's brought to the clinic by her mother.
The chief complaint is cough and difficulty breathing. The patients mother states she was up all night due to the nearly constant coughing.
On exam, the girl appears very fatigued. She has a pervasive non-productive barking cough. You also notice there is tachypnea and stridor.
Her O2 saturation is 97% and her lungs are clear.
So, what's the plan?
Today on the Medgeeks podcast, we'll be discussing croup!
If you work primary care, urgent care, pediatrics, or in the emergency departmeent, then you're bound to see this! It's common and most of the time it's not that big of a deal.
But, when it is a big deal, it's a very big deal.
Today we'll share:
At the end of the podcast we'll be answering a question from our listeners regarding hypertonic saline.
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