cover of episode Simplified Speech #205 – Learning to scuba with Luke

Simplified Speech #205 – Learning to scuba with Luke

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Culips Everyday English Podcast

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Luke: 我和女友以及她的两位朋友在巴厘岛学习了水肺潜水。课程分为线上学习、泳池训练和海洋实践三个阶段。最初学习呼吸和平衡时会感到困难,但适应后会好转。潜水装备包括脚蹼、潜水服、氧气瓶、浮力控制装置、呼吸器和潜水镜等。在巴厘岛的潜水过程中,我们看到了二战时期的沉船遗迹以及各种色彩斑斓的鱼类,例如天使鱼和会发光的电蛤。在菲律宾的潜水体验中,由于感冒,第一次潜水经历较为糟糕,但后续的深潜、夜潜和漂流潜都非常有趣,看到了各种各样的珊瑚和海洋生物。总的来说,这是一项非常值得尝试的活动,未来我还会继续潜水。 Andrew: 作为Luke三十多年的朋友,我今天和他一起聊了聊他最近学习水肺潜水的心得体会。他详细地描述了学习水肺潜水的过程,包括线上学习、泳池训练和海洋实践三个阶段,以及各种潜水装备的使用。他还分享了在巴厘岛和菲律宾的潜水体验,包括看到的海洋生物和沉船遗迹,以及一些潜水过程中需要注意的安全事项,例如耳压平衡和上升速度的控制。通过这次对话,我们了解到水肺潜水是一项既刺激又充满乐趣的活动,但也需要做好充分的准备和安全措施。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Luke decide to start scuba diving?

Mainly because his girlfriend wanted to, and he found it interesting, though he was initially apprehensive about whether he would enjoy it or feel scared.

What was the most challenging part of Luke's scuba training?

Getting used to breathing underwater, as it initially felt like he wasn't getting enough oxygen, especially when his respirator had some water in it.

How did Luke rank his swimming skills before starting scuba diving?

He considered himself an average swimmer, ranking himself around a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being Michael Phelps level.

What was Luke's first dive experience like in Bali?

It was a controlled environment near the shore, with a depth of about 10 feet. He had to kneel on the ocean floor and perform tasks like cleaning his mask, which he found a bit tricky due to the weight of the tank.

What unique underwater sight did Luke see in Bali?

He saw a World War II shipwreck, which was a famous dive spot. There was also a setup with a table and wine bottles where divers could pose for pictures.

Why couldn't Luke scuba dive when he had a cold?

Because diving with a cold can cause issues with ear and sinus pressure regulation, which is crucial when descending and ascending underwater.

What was Luke's worst scuba experience?

During his first dive in the Philippines, he felt seasick due to the waves, had a headache from the mask pressure, and accidentally swallowed seawater, leaving him feeling queasy and unwell.

What advanced scuba training did Luke do in the Philippines?

He did an advanced open water course, which included a deeper dive (18 meters), navigation, a night dive, and a drift dive.

What is a drift dive?

A drift dive involves floating neutrally in the water while being carried by currents, allowing divers to observe wildlife with less effort.

How did Luke feel about scuba diving after completing his training?

He enjoyed it and would consider doing more scuba diving vacations in the future, especially to see unique underwater sights like manta rays in the Maldives.

Andrew interviews his longtime friend Luke about his new scuba diving hobby. They discuss Luke's training, experiences in Bali and the Philippines, and the challenges and rewards of scuba diving.
  • Luke and Andrew have been friends for over 30 years.
  • Luke recently took up scuba diving.
  • This is Luke's second appearance on the Q-Lips podcast.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of Simplified Speech, Andrew is joined by his longtime friend Luke, who recently took up scuba diving! Listen in as Luke shares stories about learning to scuba dive in Bali and the Philippines, including the different kinds of dives he experienced and all the training he went through. Andrew and Luke discuss Luke’s diving adventures and the different sights he saw in the ocean – such as a World War II shipwreck! If you’re interested in scuba diving or just want to enjoy a natural conversation between two native speakers, then this episode is an excellent way to improve your English skills!

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​​What you will learn:

  • Vocabulary related to scuba diving, like “buoyancy,” “wetsuit,” and “oxygen tank”

  • Information about scuba diving training and essential safety tips

  • How to talk about personal experiences and new hobbies in English

**How this episode will improve your English: **

  • Expand your vocabulary with common words used to talk about sports and adventure activities

  • Improve your listening skills by following a friendly conversation between native speakers

  • Learn how native speakers discuss experiences and hobbies, making it easier to talk about your own interests in the future

The best way to learn with this lesson: