cover of episode Bonus episode #124 – Pushing past pain

Bonus episode #124 – Pushing past pain

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Culips Everyday English Podcast

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Andrew: 我在最近的马拉松比赛中膝盖受伤,之后经历了就医、治疗和康复的过程。许多听众关心我的恢复情况,所以我决定在本期播客中详细分享我的经历。首先,我描述了马拉松比赛结束后膝盖的疼痛,以及一位好心老奶奶主动提供的帮助。之后,我详细讲述了从庆州返回首尔的艰难旅程,以及我不得不使用电梯而不是我习惯的楼梯。回到首尔后,我决定去看医生检查膝盖,并解释了我带妻子一起去看医生的原因。在诊所里,我用韩语与医生交流,并对自己的韩语水平感到满意。X光检查结果显示我的膝盖问题并不严重。医生诊断我需要进行一些治疗,包括注射止痛针和佩戴支具。我详细描述了佩戴支具的不适感,以及我接受的各种治疗,包括电击疗法、光疗和激光疗法,并对疗效表示怀疑。我还强调了睡眠的重要性,并分享了我为了恢复而增加睡眠时间以及佩戴支具的经历。最后,我的膝盖已经基本恢复正常,可以不用支具了。医生建议我停止跑步,改骑自行车,但我暂时还不想放弃跑步。我总结了这次膝盖受伤的经历,并表示未来会更加小心。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Andrew decide to talk about his knee injury in this episode?

He wanted to share his experience after hurting his knee during a marathon and answer questions from listeners who were curious about his recovery.

What was the main challenge Andrew faced when traveling back to Seoul after the marathon?

His knee was sore, making it difficult to walk, especially when navigating stairs and boarding trains without bending his knee.

How did a local grandma help Andrew at the train station?

She offered him a passive pack, a type of adhesive sheet used for muscle aches, to help soothe his knee pain.

What was the doctor's diagnosis for Andrew's knee injury?

The doctor recommended a pain-relieving shot, wearing a leg brace to keep the knee straight, and multiple follow-up treatments over several days.

What was the most effective treatment Andrew received at the clinic?

An electroshock treatment, which felt painful but helped stimulate the muscles around his knee.

How did Andrew's knee feel after completing the treatments?

It was pain-free, though bending it still felt slightly uncomfortable and made a popping sound, similar to cracking knuckles.

What advice did the doctor give Andrew regarding running?

The doctor advised him to stop running and switch to cycling, as it is easier on the knees.

What was the completion code for this episode?

The completion code was 'treatment,' reflecting the various therapies Andrew underwent for his knee injury.

This chapter recounts the events following a failed marathon attempt due to a knee injury. It details the journey back to Seoul from Gyeongju, highlighting the discomfort and challenges faced while traveling with a sore knee. The chapter concludes with the decision to seek medical attention.
  • Marathon DNF in Gyeongju
  • Difficult journey back to Seoul
  • Sore knee
  • Decision to visit orthopedic clinic

Shownotes Transcript

In this week’s bonus episode, Andrew tells the story of what happened after he hurt his knee during a marathon. He talks about his trip to the doctor, getting different treatments, and what it was like walking around with a leg brace.

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How this episode will improve your English:

  • **Listening practice: **Follow a natural story about visiting the doctor and dealing with an injury. Practice understanding a longer narrative with real-life details.

  • **Vocabulary building: **Learn essential medical and health vocabulary like “orthopedic,” “administering,” “brace,” and “treatment.” Master words you might need at the doctor’s office.

  • **Idioms and expressions: **Pick up natural expressions like “a godsend,” “put weight on,” and “eye-opening.” Learn how English speakers talk about health and recovery.

  • **Speaking skills: **Learn how to explain symptoms, describe pain, and talk about medical experiences in natural English.

  • **Real-life English: **Get comfortable with doctor-patient conversations and medical situations in English.

  • **Grammar in context: **Notice how English speakers tell stories in the past tense and use sequence words to explain events.

  • English speaking: Join discussions with other listeners on the Culips Discord server) for additional speaking practice.

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