cover of episode Journal Review in Surgical Education: Navigating the Surgical Residency Match Process

Journal Review in Surgical Education: Navigating the Surgical Residency Match Process

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Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, podcast hosts Dr. Josh Roshal, Dr. Darian Hoagland, and Dr. Maya Hunt dive into two important papers that provide guidance on navigating the hidden curriculum of the surgical residency match process. Joined by fellow CoSEF members Dr. Ariana Naaseh and Dr. John Woodward, the discussion revolves around practical tips for finding your perfect surgical residency and filtering out the noise during the application process.

Journal Club Hosts: –Dr. Josh Roshal, University of Texas Medical Branch, @Joshua_Roshal, [email protected] –Dr. Darian Hoagland, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, @DHoaglandMD, [email protected] –Dr. Maya Hunt, Indiana University, @dr_mayathehunt, [email protected] –CoSEF: @surgedfellows,

*Journal Club Authors: * -Dr. Ariana Naaseh, Washington University in St. Louis, @ariananaaseh, [email protected] -Dr. John Woodwad, University at Buffalo, @JohnWoodward76, [email protected]

*Medical Students: * -Rachel Kalbfell (MS4), Washington University in St. Louis, @rachelkalbfell,  [email protected] -Keith Makhecha (MS4), Indiana University, [email protected]

References: 1.    Woodward JM, Lund S, Brian R, Anand A, Moreci R, Navarro SM, Zarate Rodriguez J, Naaseh A, Tate K, Roshal J, Silvestri C, Gan CY, Sathe T, Thornton SW, Cloonan M, Weaver L, Oh MH, Godley F, L’Huillier JC. Find Your Perfect Match for Surgical Residency: Six Steps to Building Your BRANDD from the Collaboration of Surgical Education Fellows. Annals of Surgery. 2024;5(3). doi:10.1097/AS9.0000000000000466.

2.    Naaseh A, Roshal J, Silvestri C, Woodward JM, Thornton SW, L’Huillier JC, Hunt M, Sathe TS, Hoagland DL, Godley F IV, Jindani R, Tieken KR, Rodriguez JGZ, Anand A, Chen JH, Navarro SM, Lund S. Filter Out the Noise: How to Narrow Your Search for the Perfect Match by the Collaboration of Surgical Education Fellows (CoSEF). Journal of Surgical Education. 2024;81(10):1394-1399. doi:10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.07.010 ) Please visit to access other high-yield surgical education podcasts, videos and more.