Do you have more to do than time to do it? Here are 10 ways to outsource your household tasks. I am a wife, mother, and business owner. Over the last 20 years I have juggled those three commitments in various ways. And what I've come to understand is that no one person can do everything. I have tried all of the ideas where you have your kids and your husband help you with the household tasks in order to free up some of your time. And I do many of those, but what do you do when there's not enough of you and your children and your husband to get everything done?
In order to grow my business over the last 20 years I have always hired help). Sometimes that is in the form of help to actually help my business as in a personal assistant, or an editor. But more and more I find it that the tasks I need to outsource are household related.
And really at the end of the day, the majority of the clients that the Organize 365 team) organizes are really busy career oriented women who have let the household tasks go in order to focus on what is more important, their spouse, their children, in their career.
Click here to read all 10 items I have or am about to outsource.)