cover of episode God Is Using AR/AI with Jennifer Richey  (S:3 - Ep 66)

God Is Using AR/AI with Jennifer Richey (S:3 - Ep 66)

logo of podcast Exploring the Marketplace

Exploring the Marketplace

Shownotes Transcript

Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson interview Jennifer Richey.  Jennifer is a technology futurist and entrepreneur, Her first foray into technology was as the CFO of Tometa Software. From this, Jennifer went on to assume the same role at PlayXpert, a gaming company which helped spearhead the formation of Gravity Jack. Tune in as Shawn, Bob and Jennifer discuss how God encountered her that anchored her deeply in Him that changed her marriage and their business.  Hear amazing stories of how God stepped in their business at the last minute but it was exactly what they needed. Jennifer shares some of the common misconceptions of AI/AR, how it should not be feared but used as a tool that we can use to advance His Kingdom. Tune in!


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