Are you in an uplevel right now? Meaning – do you feel yourself operating from a new level of self-worth? Maybe a big manifestation just came through or you simply find yourself pushing past your growth edge. If so, then get ready for your new uplevel protocol! Today Jessica, Lacy, and Janelle dive deep into the manifestation stage of Upleveling. They explore the intricacies of adjusting to new energies, the importance of taking time to rest and embrace integration, and how to navigate the emotional and psychological aftermath of realizing your dreams. The discussion spans the complexities of the nervous system's response to change, the crucial role of integration for sustainable growth, and practical advice on maintaining balance amidst transformation. Whether you're taking time to integrate and prepare for your manifestations, or have recently called in some manifestations and are already looking ahead to what’s next, this episode serves as your inspiring companion for navigating and celebrating the path to fulfilling your dreams.
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In This Episode We Talk About:
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Expanded x Ep. 293 - What is a Mirror and How Can It Help You Manifest?)
Expanded x Ep. 291 - How to Manifest a Dream Career - The Process with Jessica Gill)
Expanded x Ep. 290 - How a "Bridge Manifestation" Can Help You Manifest Faster)
Big Baffling Behavior book Understanding Nervous Systems by Robyn Gobbel)
Expanded x Ep. 187 - Uplevel Your Life - The Process with Atarah Valentine)
Ep. 78 - Jordan Younger of The Balanced Blonde, Evolving, Shedding and Upleveling in the Public Eye)
Find the Get Clarity DI and all workshops mentioned inside our Pathway Membership!) (Including Feel Your Feelings DI and Worst Case Scenario DI)
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