Jenna Zoe, Lacy’s Human Design reader, returns to the EXPANDED Podcast with this special episode. Jenna answers questions about how to use Human Design to optimize your manifestation practice, how living in your design can help you heal and discover your purpose, and how de-conditioning your beliefs can transform the way you live your life. This episode will be expansive for anyone looking to understand themselves more deeply.
Lacy’s Manifestation Tip Comparing Ourselves to Our Expanders
Watch the video here)
Getting back to the natural rhythm that your body thrives in
A breakdown of each energy type
The connection between Lacy’s work and Human Design
Understanding your shadow
Human Design and Illness
Demystifying what’s holding up your manifestation
Getting clear on what you desire
Using the opposite as medicine
How to use your design as work
How each type can get comfortable with down time
Flushing out external energies
How each type recharges
The authorities- emotional, splenic, sacral, ego
How each authority can follow their pings
How to live your design and finding the purpose of your life
What your profile means for your purpose
Being unapologetic about your type
Reframing rock bottoms
Specific vs. non-specific manifestors
Looking at past patterning
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