Henrique Gomes (Perimeter Institute) gives a talk at the Workshop on the Problem of Time in Perspective (3-4 July, 2015) titled "Timeless Quantum Mechanics in Configuration Space: an Outsider View". Abstract: In this talk, I will explore a timeless interpretation of quantum mechanics of closed systems, solely in terms of path integrals in non-relativistic timeless configuration space. What prompts a fresh look at the foundational problems in this context, is the advent of multiple gravitational models in which Lorentz symmetry is only emergent. In this setting, I propose a new understanding of records as certain relations between two configurations, the recorded one and the record-holding one. These relations are formalized through a factorization of the amplitude kernel, which forbids unwanted 'recoherence' of branches. On this basis, I show that in simple cases the Born rule is consistent with counting the relative density of observers with the same records. Furthermore, unlike what occurs in consistent histories, in this context there is indeed a preferred notion of coarse-grainings: those centered around piece-wise classical paths in configuration space (with a certain radius). Thus, this new understanding claims to resolve aspects of the measurement problem which are still deemed controversial in the standard approaches (but which probably leaves others open...).