cover of episode Understanding the Decisive Power of "No" | Episode 126

Understanding the Decisive Power of "No" | Episode 126

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The Danielle K. White Show

Shownotes Transcript

""No." is a full sentence.It is a word of CHOICE. And saying the word "No" with confidence, clarity, and courage will help you find new depths of personal power you had no idea were there before. And the more you stand firm in that power of speaking decisively, the easier it will become over time to stand your ground in those critical moments without drama, without tension, and without hesitation. YOU hold the power. Your words COMMUNICATE that power. Learn to use this power wisely - and you, your business and your LIFE will be better for it."

  • Ani Rivera, Director of Education, Big Money Stylist

In this stylish, fiery, and DIRECT episode of the BMS podcast, Danielle and Ani teach from experience on understanding the potent power of a swift "no" and a decisive "yes" and how to use their persuasive energy with clarity, calmness, and certainty in your everyday lives.


Sit back, tune in, and get ready to LEVEL-UP your hair game for GOOD.

This is the Big Money Stylist Podcast.