Coach Ani leads Danielle and Coach Val in a conversation of Protection in this week’s episode, specifically on the topic of Course Correction via the ofttimes misunderstood Art of Collision.
How do you respond to course correction?
How has your perception of what a collision looks like been altered by this conversation?
QUESTION Who do you need to have a hard conversation with that you’ve been putting off?
Point #4: End Results Never End
Danielle: A lot of people get stuck in their plan and then suffer by committing to a plan that’s not going to give them the results they ultimately want. **Coach Ani: **Don’t focus so much on how to get there, but rather focus on the end results you want. Turns out, the end results keep changing because you reach goal upon goal upon goal.
How is your current plan serving you? Is it time for a change?
Coach Val: Be open inside of those hard conversations because they can lead you to places that turn out to be better than what you originally envisioned for yourself.
QUESTION What plans changed for you that you had your heart set on, and in the end has turned out better than you could have ever imagined?
“You are the only one in charge of getting what you want. If you’re in a place of life where you’re not happy, you are the one who created that path or your own limited story. Find out where you need to course correct and protect what you’re building while continuing to grow forward.”
–Danielle White
People have turning points in their career where tough conversations are necessary in order to continue growing and progressing. Having direct, honest, and clear conversations helps everyone move forward and protects what has already been built.”
–Valerie Plunk
“Collision is merely a conversation. There’s no way to move forward without having those seemingly hard conversations. And remember, sometimes it takes having more than just one.”
–Anianne Rivera