cover of episode Change Your Story, Change Your Life | Episode 11

Change Your Story, Change Your Life | Episode 11

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The Danielle K. White Show

Shownotes Transcript

Point #1: Industry Fables

Many Artists don't believe in themselves and dutifully execute whatever the Industry has taught them to do. For example, we are taught that you accommodate *everyone *and everything that walks through the door until you have "arrived," even if it means doing what you don't like doing - which most Artists believe is their only option. This creates the all too prevalent and less than powerful scarcity mindset.

QUESTION: What are some of the stories you believe that are simply not true, but are widely accepted as true?

Point #2: Tell Me a Story

  • The stories that seem to affect us the most are the stories we create about ourselves. Coach Ani describes stories as "a layer of made up bullshit that you tell yourself over and over again." We don’t know where they come from, why or how they start, but one day you tell yourself something, decide to fucking stick with it and pretty soon you have allowed that story to shape and define your life.

  • Whether it was breaking an engagement and moving to California, teaching on a stage in front of 300 Artists at a convention, feeling 'worthy' to increase prices, or deciding to stop working Saturday's, each of the ladies have overcome and rewritten their stories, which has enabled them to get out of their own way and create a life they love.

QUESTION: Where in your life are you putting off rewriting a story that isn't serving you?

Point #3: The Lies we Believe

  • Our stories impact every part of our lives. How many times have you told yourself: I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough, that's for someone else, not me. We get so much inside of our heads that we begin downplaying ourselves and live in a state of victimhood, and in the process we give away all of our power.

  •  Oft times stories are wound up so tightly inside of us that we can begin projecting them onto others until they believe them, too. Garrett repeated the story so often that Danielle didn't want to have sex, that she actually started believing it was true. The voices and the stories inside our head are so much stronger than the truth of what really is.

QUESTION: How often do you downplay yourself by telling yourself you're not worthy or you're not good enough?

Point #4: Stuff or Stack?

  • We have the ability to make life stressful or beautiful and zen. What do we do to remain in power when we get triggered or when things go south; when we start making stories up about the people and experiences in our lives? How do we handle our feelings rather than stuff them deep inside of us to handle "later?"

  • Coach Ani uses a powerful tool each day called the Stack which is a series of questions designed to move her through these feelings and to see the story from different angles. By the end of her Stack, she has gained clarity, power and solutions. Coach Val is the queen of reframe where she is able to have conversations with herself and see things from many perspectives until  she can find something positive to move her forward instead of staying stuck in a story.

QUESTION: When you get triggered what do you do to return to a place of peace and power?

Point #5: The Power of Choice is Yours

QUESTION: Where in your life are you playing the victim and blaming others for your circumstances?