cover of episode Are You Honest With Yourself? | Episode 180

Are You Honest With Yourself? | Episode 180

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The Danielle K. White Show

Shownotes Transcript

What is your purpose? 


What is your passion? 


What does financial freedom look like for you? 


You want to find something that gives you JOY. Something that gives you satisfaction every single time you go to work. 


Being able to help people FEEL is something that most stylists can relate to. 


When it comes to your marketing, where people miss the mark the most is when you’re posting pretty hair, but it's not just about pretty hair. 


… You want to make sure you are real and you are showing who you are. 


Honesty is KEY. 


Yes you want to make sure you’re posting your work, but you want to make sure you are showcasing the real & the raw stuff so that people know your story. So that people know that they can connect with you & you’re a REAL person. 


A lot of us know that we want more, but we are for some reason waiting for permission to create inside of your life. 


Outside of waiting for permission there is something else that we are also notorious for… 


Avoiding conflict. 


The willingness to collide, the willingness to have hard conversations, and to not avoid difficult things… 


Is going to allow you to stand in your power. 


There are going to be people in your life that are just no longer a good fit to be there any more. You actually are doing them a favor by letting them free. You will be doing both of you a disservice by allowing them to stay in your life, just to avoid conflict. 


It's hard to let people go, but the more you grow & the outcome on the other side is so much more rewarding. 


It's not about coming to a class and getting a certificate anymore. It's about Commitment . accountability.


You have to expose emotion 

You have to expose your true self. 


It all starts with being honest with yourself. 


We are promising something different.  If you're ready to level up, then let us show you how to be consistent as an Artist in both your business and personal life.

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DKW® Styling Academy is currently available for open enrollment, so apply today and schedule your consultation call!