Today’s show rundown:
Mark and Jeff have learned so much over these first 100 Episodes. What have you learned? We talk about where the show is going in the future Dr. Gladden's Levers of Longevity Mark looks back over the Podcast History and talks past guests Historically fun shows and guests that really resonated The Doctor's talk about cycling Testosterone Aging is a-lot like your swimming pool in your back yard Science is the search for the truth, its a series of questions We must adapt to survive Being married to questions is so much more peaceful It's hard to picture yourself in 10 years You don't have to sacrifice longevity to be fit and in shape The guys talk about things that have changes since we started this adventure What we believed then vs what we believe now We talk to the listeners about the future
Tip of the Day - UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) - Research shows, a simple supplement that you can buy called D-mannose, a sugar molecule, can help get rid of UTI's without prescription. You want to use this supplement (500-1000mg) every 1-2 hours with A-LOT of water.