Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.”This week on the show our host have a special message for you. Forrest and Kyle collectively have decades of prepping, firearms experience, training, and survival experience. That collective knowledge, experience, and research would like to say this: It is time to prepare.Do we mean it’s time to start prepping? No. It is time to be prepared. Get your affairs in order. The world economy, nations, and society are crashing and burning. You might not be the frog in the pot of boiling. You are!Indicators are all over the place. Global leaders and powers that be are pointing towards WW3 as a forgone conclusion. Economic signals are pointing towards a sudden drop second or third quarter. For crying out loud the rich are selling their stocks for gold and silver; if you’re not prepared today you are not paying attention.The first part of the show we’ll be tackling some current conspiracy theories with Kyle revolving around WW3. After that Forrest is going to be discussing his recent trip to the mountains of NC for a prepping conference where he spoke.http://preppingacademy.com/ Join PrepperNet.Net) - https://www.preppernet.net[PrepperNet](https://www.preppernet.net)) is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.
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