Fellow Health at Every Size dietitian Joanne Soolman shares how weight stigma manifested in her family, how she overcame body shame and discovered Health at Every Size, how she handles having a sister who's a prominent Weight Watchers leader, and lots more! Joanne Levy Soolman, MS, RD, LDN, is a registered dietitian and co-owner of Soolman Nutrition and Wellness, LLC located in Wellesley, MA. She and her husband Jonah, who is also a registered dietitian, provide outpatient nutrition counseling services for those in southeastern New England. Joanne got her BA in Psychology from Brown University and her MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons College. Joanne specializes in nutrition counseling for individuals struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating. In addition to being a professional member of the Multiservice Eating Disorder Association, she is a proud member of the Association for Size Diversity and Health, promoting the principles of Health At Every Size®.
Check out Joanne's blog post about her sister being Oprah's personal Weight Watchers consultant) (TW: mentions numbers), and find her on her website at SoolmanNutrition.com). To learn more about Food Psych and our guest, visit christyharrison.com/foodpsych) Join Christy's intuitive eating online course at christyharrison.com/course) How healthy is your relationship with food? Take the quiz and get free resources at christyharrison.com/quiz)! Don't forget to vote on November 8th!