Welcome to the first episode of "Discount Storytime" (Previously "Tales from the Scamverse)! This week’s story is the Lion and Mouse Redux. This unlikely pair will steal your heart, and by heart I mean credit cards. And today’s episode is sponsored by the Caveat Emptorium – the Scamverse’s largest shopping center.Content Warning: This episode contains profanity.Click above to send us a message, or email at [email protected]). Our website is www.discountstorytime.com) where you can find more episodes.** **Additional Voice Performances by Sc0tchiesc0tty.Songs: “Cute Creatures” Music by Geoff Harvey) from Pixabay)“Energetic happy amp upbeat rock music” from Pixabay.“Pranker” by Sergei Chetvertnykh) from Pixabay)Sound Effects from Pixabay
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