cover of episode The Best (and Worst) States in the US to Retire in 2024 (FIRE Faster?)

The Best (and Worst) States in the US to Retire in 2024 (FIRE Faster?)

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BiggerPockets Money Podcast

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Alex Gailey
作为 BiggerPockets 的社区经理和《BiggerPockets Money》播客的联合主播,Mindy Jensen 在房地产投资领域具有显著影响。
Mindy:选择合适的退休地点对实现财务独立至关重要,搬家前需要仔细权衡利弊。搬到生活成本低的州可以减少开支,从而缩短财务独立的时间线。 Scott:选择合适的退休地点可以更容易实现财务自由。 Alex Gailey:对美国50个州的退休排名基于五个加权因素:经济适用性(40%)、整体幸福感(25%)、医疗保健的成本和质量(20%)、天气(10%)和犯罪率(5%)。经济适用性权重最高,因为许多美国人退休储蓄不足,通货膨胀推高了物价。整体幸福感指标包含社区幸福指数、多样性、人均艺术娱乐和休闲设施以及62岁以上成年人数量。阿拉斯加州、纽约州和华盛顿州是退休最差的三个州,主要原因是生活成本高。德拉瓦州是2024年退休最佳州,其优势在于税收优惠、整体幸福感高和生活成本相对较低。西弗吉尼亚州是退休第二好州,主要原因是其极低的居住成本,但其医疗保健质量和成本排名很低,需要权衡利弊。各州在退休排名中的位置会随着时间的推移而变化,这主要受生活成本的影响。相邻州在退休排名中的差异,可能源于在犯罪率、医疗保健和整体幸福感等方面的差异。选择退休地点是一个非常私人的决定,排名只是一个参考,需要考虑个人优先级。需要进行充分的税务规划,以了解不同州的税收政策如何影响退休收入。选择退休地点需要考虑当前居住地和目标地点的生活成本差异。退休地点排名主要针对那些希望搬迁到其他州的美国人,需要考虑搬迁成本和生活成本差异。退休地点排名并非绝对,即使排名靠后的州,也能拥有美好的退休生活。选择退休地点不仅要考虑财务因素,还要考虑情感因素,例如社区和人际关系。低生活成本的州可以帮助人们更早地实现财务独立。需要进一步研究如何利用各州的税收政策和住房成本,来优化退休规划。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses the impact of relocating on financial independence and early retirement, introducing the topic of where to retire.
  • Relocating can reduce your financial independence timeline.
  • Consider factors like cost of living and quality of life before moving.

Shownotes Transcript

Should you move to reach FIRE)? And if so, where to? In this episode, we’re pulling back the curtain and revealing the best places to retire in the US in 2024. Living in one of these states could help **fast-track **financial freedom), and moving there for retirement could help your nest egg go further and improve your quality of life!

Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Money podcast! Alex Gailey, a lead data reporter at Bankrate, has ranked all fifty states for retirement based on five weighted “buckets” made up of dozens of crucial data points. Today, she joins the show to share her findings with us. Whether you’re looking to put down roots in a low-cost-of-living area or find a location that delivers your ideal retirement lifestyle, this list of states is a useful launching point for one of the most important life decisions you’ll ever make!

In this episode, you’ll learn how changing your address could accelerate your financial independence timeline and allow you to retire early). Alex will break down the five factors people value most in retirement—affordability), well-being, cost and quality of healthcare, weather, and crime. Stay tuned to find out which states came out on top and which states you might want to avoid. The results even surprised us!

In This Episode We Cover

Breaking down Alex’s list of best (and worst) states to retire in the US)

How to accelerate your FI timeline simply by changing your address

The top five “buckets” that make up an ideal retirement destination

The most crucial factors to consider when choosing where to retire

How to take advantage of unique opportunities in high-cost-of-living areas

And **So **Much More!

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(00:00) Intro

(01:26) Alex’s Criteria

(05:05) Best and Worst Places to Retire

(11:38) Biggest Surprises

(22:32) Retiring in an Expensive Area

(29:10) Connect with Alex!

(29:43) Accelerate Your FI Timeline!

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