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How to Build Messages That Build Buy-In

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Social Media Marketing Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Michael Stelzner
Tamsen Webster
Tamsen Webster: 人们抗拒改变的主要原因是害怕风险,这包含对损失的恐惧以及对其他方面的潜在风险感知。改变意味着风险,所以在内部或外部提出改变时,必须理解这种风险规避心理。人们抗拒改变是因为害怕失去已有的东西,这会影响他们的安全感和归属感;同时,改变也可能威胁到他们对自身的认知和理想中的自我形象。每个人都希望被视为聪明、有能力和善良的,这会影响他们对改变的接受程度。 引入改变的最佳切入点是那些人们已经知道并正在努力解决的问题,即使这些问题并非严重到令人痛苦的地步。要成功地引入改变,需要找到目标受众当前正在积极寻求答案的重要问题,并提供合理的解决方案。当人们意识到自己存在未解决的问题时,他们就会主动寻找答案,这为营销人员或领导者提供了机会。在提出改变时,不要只关注解决方案,而要将解决方案与目标受众关心的问题联系起来。所有企业都应该思考一些永恒的问题,例如如何用更少的资源做更多的事情,如何吸引和留住优秀员工,如何更快地进入市场。在提出问题时,要尽可能具体,并与目标受众当前的认知水平相符。 为了说服他人接受改变,需要将改变与他们已经想要的东西或正在面临的挑战联系起来。在营销产品时,不要只关注宣传语,而要理解宣传语背后的想法和价值观。iPod的成功在于它解决了人们携带音乐的痛点,即如何更好地携带音乐。一个公司面临战略转变时,领导者需要具备责任感和规模化执行能力。为了获得认同,需要将改变建立在目标受众已经认同的原则之上。改变的成功与否取决于人们是否能够快速理解改变的理由和可行性。 说服他人接受改变的关键在于理解他们的信仰和信念。成功的改变不仅要解释“为什么”要做改变,还要解释“如何”做改变,以及背后的原因。企业需要明确自身在市场中的定位,这需要理解目标受众的信念和价值观。营销人员在内部沟通时,需要扮演怀疑者的角色,以确保改变能够被广泛接受。阅读《Say What They Can't Unhear》可以帮助人们提高促成改变的概率。 Michael Stelzner: 那些最需要改变的人往往最乐于接受改变,而当一切看起来都很顺利时,人们往往最抗拒改变。营销人员面临的主要挑战之一是,人们往往意识不到自己存在需要解决的问题,或者对现有的解决方案感到满意。即使拥有最棒的理由,如果不理解人们的信念,也很难说服他们接受改变。营销的核心是沟通,目的是促成改变,而成功的沟通需要理解人们如何理解和接受新的想法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it difficult for marketers to implement change within their organizations?

Change is difficult because it often involves perceived risks, such as fear of loss or destabilization of safety and belonging. People are naturally risk-averse, especially when the change threatens their self-concept or desired identity. Additionally, when things are working well, there is less motivation to embrace change, as people fear disrupting their current success.

What is the key to persuading others to embrace change in a business?

The key is to anchor the change in something the audience already wants or is struggling with. Identify a persistent irritant or a question they are actively asking, and present the change as a legitimate answer to that question. This approach leverages their existing curiosity and investment, making the change feel less risky and more relevant.

How can marketers identify the right questions to anchor their change proposals?

Marketers can identify the right questions by focusing on strategic priorities of the company, persistent irritants, or perennial issues like efficiency, employee retention, or market speed. They should also consider the audience's current level of awareness and frame the question in a way that aligns with their immediate concerns or challenges.

What role do beliefs play in successfully implementing change?

Beliefs are crucial because people are more likely to embrace change if it aligns with their existing principles or worldview. Understanding what the audience believes to be true and framing the change in a way that reinforces those beliefs increases the likelihood of buy-in. Misalignment with beliefs can lead to resistance, even if the change is logically sound.

What is the significance of the iPod's 'a thousand songs in your pocket' tagline in the context of change messaging?

The iPod's tagline effectively addressed a persistent irritant—the lack of portability and variety in music listening. It answered the question, 'What's a better way to carry my music with me?' By focusing on key drivers like variety and portability, the tagline made the case for change compelling and easy to understand, demonstrating how to anchor a product in a question the audience was already asking.

How can marketers differentiate their products in a crowded market?

Marketers can differentiate their products by clearly articulating the principles or beliefs that underpin their offering. Instead of focusing on minor features, they should emphasize the deeper reasons why their product works the way it does. This approach helps create a unique position in the market and makes the product more memorable and compelling to the audience.

This chapter explores the reasons behind people's resistance to change, focusing on risk aversion and the perceived threat to self-concept. It emphasizes the importance of addressing the audience's existing questions and challenges to facilitate buy-in.
  • Change aversion stems from risk aversion.
  • People want to be seen as smart, capable, and good.
  • Focus on addressing persistent irritants or questions the audience already has.

Shownotes Transcript

Are you struggling to implement changes in your marketing strategy? Wondering how to get buy-in from skeptical team members or clients? To explore how to create messages that get people to embrace change inside a business, I interview Tamsen Webster.

Guest:** **Tamsen Webster) | Show Notes:

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