All leaders see more than others see and they see before others see.
An abundance mindset, characterized by creativity and flexibility, helps leaders see a bigger picture and find solutions more quickly. It keeps them in the game, looking for answers, and expanding their vision.
The cycle of success consists of five steps: test, fail, learn, improve, and reenter. By continuously testing new ideas, learning from failures, and improving, leaders can expand their vision and see more and before others.
Leaders should put themselves in places and with people who inspire them to see more and before. This can include attending inspiring events, being around visionary individuals, and engaging in environments that challenge and elevate their thinking.
Intentional personal growth is crucial because leaders cannot give what they do not have. By growing themselves, leaders expand their capacity to see more and before, and they can better inspire and lead their teams.
Leaders should use both the art of intuition and the science of feedback. They need to intuitively know when to push and when to pause, and have trusted advisors who can provide honest feedback to ensure they don't push too hard and demoralize their team.
John Maxwell emphasizes that to grow an organization, leaders must first grow their people. When people are developed and become better, the organization naturally grows and improves.
Self-belief is crucial because leaders must see more in themselves than others see. By intentionally working on their own growth and challenging themselves to be better every day, leaders can inspire others to reach for more and believe in greater possibilities.
All leaders have two things in common: they see more, and they see before. In today’s episode, John Maxwell is going to give you 4 takeaways that will help you to learn how to expand your leadership vision so you can equip your team for the big picture! After his lesson, Mark Cole and Chris Robinson sit down to have a conversation on how you can apply what John has taught to your life and leadership. Key takeaways: All leaders see more than others see and they see before others see.
Leaders show where the light is, and they lead their people to that light.
When you become bigger on the inside, you can become bigger on the outside.
Our BONUS resource for this episode is the What All Leaders Have in Common Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”
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