cover of episode Winter Concert 第14周

Winter Concert 第14周

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Hellow Ximalaya, this is Stella from New York。 Last week, our annual winter concert took place. For the high school musical community, it was a pretty big event。 Everybody worked hard to perform their best. 大家好,这里是美国中学每周谈,我是晴川。今天高中生Stella要跟大家分享一下上周刚刚结束的高中冬季音乐会。我也想趁此机会大致讲一下美国公立教育里的音乐教育。 In our high school, we have three musical programs that we can pick from: ORchestra, Chorus, or band. Of each program, there are different groups organized according to skill.For example, I play violin in Orchestra. In our high school, we have 3 Orchestra groups. Every freshman automatically joins the freshman orchestra. For the 10th - 12th graders, there are two options. You can audition for the chamber orchestra, and if you don’t pass or don’t audition, you would be in the symphony orchestra. Every group has their own music pieces assigned by the teacher to reflect its playing level. Orchestra, 弦乐团,Chorus,合唱团,Band,管乐团。这是公立学校从小学三年级开始就定下的几个大方向,学生任意选择。那么到了高中阶段,不同学生的兴趣与演奏水准都很不一样了,就会有相应细分。管乐团会在音乐风格上细化出爵士乐团,和一般交响乐型管乐团,合唱团也会细化出无伴奏合唱,爵士合唱,以及普通合唱. Stella 所在的是弦乐团,就是大中小提琴以及倍大提琴,所有九年级新生一个组,之后的10到12年级生在AUdition面试演奏后分成高低两组弦乐团。这样的安排方式,基本在兴趣与能力之间做到平衡。不同组别的演奏排练,有些以正式上课有学校成绩的形式进行,有些则是以老师指导的课后俱乐部形式进行,非常灵活多样。 In our school district, music education is highly valued. Many students are part of the music programs. However, for some, it is a chore rather than a joy. They find it boring or pointless. Yet, it can be very fun. I made many of my friends because of orchestra, and many of my friendships strengthened because of it. 这里Stella分享了学音乐的一点感受,有些孩子虽然选择了音乐课程但是觉得练习枯燥辛苦。但是也理解音乐也是相当愉悦的。Stella 就在音乐团体里交到了很多志同道合的朋友,加深了友谊和了解。 Last Thursday, four groups performed, representing the highest level of the different groups. In my orchestra, I played the viola for one of the pieces because there was no violin part. It was a new experience for me. It is not that hard to switch to viola if you know how to play violin. I simply think viola is too big, I am not used to it, but other than that, it was fine. 上周Stella的冬季音乐会有四个节目,是学校最高水平的一场演出,家长们都很欣赏。Stella还为此客串了中提琴手,学了一样新乐器和新的读谱方式,感觉很新鲜呢. When did you start to learn violin? How much time have you spent in practicing everyday? I was offered violin lesson at elementary school when I was 8. I learned from my music teacher at school. After a few months, my teacher said to my mom that I was pretty good and a private violin teacher could be a good idea. That was how I started. It has been 7 years. I practice about an hour per day. 三年级开始学校开始教乐器,个人的兴趣和能力是在公立小学的普通音乐课上被发现挖掘的。后来再加上私人老师的课,不断坚持,已经七年了 it was not easy, but as the years go by, I find myself enjoying music more and more. I love playing as a group in concerts. Our school has winter and spring concerts. If you are selected, you can also go to regional playing events, and play with some of the best students in certain Long Island areas. You could also join local Youth orchestras. There are many on Long Island. Music is wonderful; playing instrument is more than just learning technique. It took awhile for me to understand this.