“The snow looked so amazing in the brief moments before it melted. It was beautiful!” 开学11周,秋季变冬季,下雪了! Hello, ximalaya, this is Lindsay from New York. The 11th week of school was just another quiet week, except that it snowed! And it was, surprisingly, a lot of it considering how early it is in fall. 大家好,我是晴川,和Lindsay一起继续我们的美国学校每周谈,上周,才11月中,毫无疑问最让孩子们兴奋的是下雪了。Although snowing is very normal in NY,snowing this early and so big was very unexpected. Lindsay, did you have a snow day? L: No. We all hoped so, but sadly no. �It melted very quickly because the rain melted it away the next morning. Still, the snow looked so amazing in the brief moments before it melted. It was beautiful! Snow Day就是学校宣布下雪天在家呆着。因为纽约州规定公立学校每学年必须开课上足180天,那么因天气而耽搁的上课日子又怎么补足呢?在北方,为准备这种情况,学校会预先在校历school calendar上设定4天snow makeup days. 如果冬天因下雪学校关门,那么在预先设定的SNOW DAYS就会继续上学,补足开课的日子,如果冬天气候不错没有下雪关门,那么预先定好的春夏季节的那几天就会放假。这些都是一开始在校历上注明了的。这样方便家长们提前安排度假。 On an unrelated note, this week in English class we finished reading our novel, The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton. We watched the movie adaptation of the novel in class after finishing the book. 说一下,Lindsay七年级的英文课基本以精读小说的形式来组织,在我们合作的另一档英文节目奇想英文书世界里我们详细讲过并分享了七年级的书单。那么这里她提到的Outsider,中文翻作局外人,就是本学年读完的第一部小说。Adaptation 就是电影改编。老师让他们在教室里看了这部小说为基础的电影. Watching a movie using class time, that must be very fun! It is! But the movie was pretty inaccurate, so maybe that’s why my teachers showed it, so we could see the differences between the film and novel, or maybe they showed it to us so we could see what all the action described in the book would look like on the screen. I guess my teacher will let us to discuss the movie a bit later. When you take the original book and adapt it into a movie, changes always happen, whether it’s in the characters, plot, or even the ending. There are always some reasons behind the changes. �The directors may think the book is too difficult to understand in complete, accurate movie format, or they may believe it would be more interesting if the movie was developed in a different way. 大家知道好莱坞很多著名电影都是小说改编而来,那么比较原著与电影的异同,也是一件很有意思的事情,算是培养有素质的电影观众。了解原著精神与电影娱乐导向间的区别。不过,老师似乎并没有再这上面做深入探讨,大约就只给学生们一点印象。一起看电影,在学校里并不少见。 It wasn’t a bad movie though, despite all the inaccuracies. We finished the movie on Friday, which isn’t a bad way to end the week. Soon we will start the next book, which is very famous. It is called The Giver by Lois Lowry. Maybe next time we will talk about it!