cover of episode 打破社交壁垒introduce advisory room, 第21周

打破社交壁垒introduce advisory room, 第21周

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Hello, Ximalaya, this is Lindsay from New York! I’d like to talk about an “advisory” program that has been just added to our school. It is a good concept theoretically, but I felt awkward from the first session. 大家好,我是晴川。Advisory是什么意思呢?先说Advise,劝告,给予意见,是个动词了,Advisor就是给予意见的那个人,导师,往往并非指特别任务类型的,Not task specific,but  more cross function,也不那么好像上级一样有强制性。 那么Advisory就是一个名词,这样的一类给予意见性质的事情。来听听这个新的活动是干嘛的? The school wants us to socialize with new people and branch out a bit more from our own comfortable ring of friends. They also want the older kids to help “advise” the younger kids, which I guess is why it is called advisory.  The school creates a new homeroom, mushes all three grades, which 6 7 and 8, together into new homerooms. 在我们去年九月讲开学的那期节目里,我们说到了美国学校特别的HOME ROOM这个概念,这里再介绍一下。homeroom是学生一早来上学时候见面的地方,老师这里交代学校通知告示活动,以及处理家长与学校之间的往来交流比如病事假,之后每个学生再根据自己的时间表去每堂课要去的教室,通常在一个HOME ROOM的同学往往有更接近的时间表一起去上英文了数学了这样的必修课,比其它HOMEROOM的学生有更多时间在一起故而更亲近。那么现在学校为了打破学生的固定社交圈,把不同年级的孩子放在一个HOME ROOM,创造了一个不同年级孩子能说话社交的时间段和氛围。也是给了一个大孩子能够指导Advise低年级孩子的机会。 So now I have a new homeroom with people from my grade, which is seventh grade, and people from sixth and eighth grade.It is very awkward and quiet! I do not think that any of us will talk for the rest of the year because we’re all really shy and don’t want to talk to other people. 哈哈,没人讲话啊! 怎么个情况? In the first session, we had an extended HomeRoom time. so we could have time to get to know each other. The advisory teacher gave us some of his background so we knew him a bit better and then we went around the room to introduce ourselves, our grade, and something about ourselves. Nobody really shared a lot about themselves because we were all too scared to talk about ourselves in a room filled with strangers. I was really glad when advisory was over and we had to go to our classes because then I wasn’t stuck in an awkward room filled with people I did not know. I’m not looking forward to going through advisory again! 这个年纪的孩子其实是蛮害羞的。00后们在高度网络化的环境中长大,交流那都是手机上电玩中完成的,如何让他们学会面对面的自如交流,这上面学校看来是要想些办法,毕竟,我们人类最丰富的是表情,情绪,身体语言,神态,再先进的技术也不能代替这些细节的温度。我听说不少孩子其实都会觉得孤独,缺乏和同龄人深层次的交流,即使通讯技术无限发达,心灵的对话仍然是一项古老可靠不能失传的沟通之道。 Hope this program works。 I will see you next time.