校区专门花一整天时间来进行联系日主题活动,对于打破社交壁垒建设人与人的联系是很花功夫了。另外什么是校区,校区教育的责任系统是什么样的?今天一并说一下。 Hello Ximalaya, this is Lindsay. Today we’ll talk about a theme event called Connections Day at school. Connections Day was all about making new connections and uniting as a community in our school. It was not a regular school day where we sat in class and learned things. Instead, we had the choices to choose two workshops to attend.Before we went to any of these workshops, though, the Superintendent of the school district made a speech about how we, as a community, are united together. Then we were dismissed to go to our workshops. Connection,联系连接的意思。这个主题活动日,一听就是为了加强人与人之间的沟通而设计。在这个网络时代,人人埋头手机,青少年从小在各种电子设备里长大,怎么样才能让他们更加关注身边的人,学校和家长都很操心。所以了,校区大 boss Superintendent专门通过广播说了一下彼此联系的意义。 这里顺便讲一下,美国学区school district一般基于一个镇,比如我们镇就有7个小学 elementary schools,两个中学 middle schools,一个高中high school,每个学校的校长叫Principle,他们都要向superintendent学区总监负责。那么Superintendent则是本镇居民选举产生的教育委员会去聘任来的。学区总监向Board OF education 教育委员会负责。教育委员会的委员向选民负责。教育委员会的委员是没有工资的,属于自愿公共服务的一部分。是这样一个系统。好了,回来接着听Lindsay介绍Connection Day都有些什么活动? These workshops were anything - there was the choice of planting a garden, of talking about sports, playing Harry Potter trivia, learning to fish, and more! I chose, for the first one, to learn about a Japanese jump-rope game called Gomutobi. This was run by the multicultural club. The second one, I chose a Relax and Read workshop where all you did was curl up with a book and read! The teacher who ran that one was an English teacher, and she made popcorn for all of us.They were all really fun to do, and after the workshops were over, we went to eat lunch. 活动是很丰富多彩的。解释一下Workshop这个概念,中文一般翻译做作坊,那么,在这个语境下,指的是,在某个主题下,自己主动参与的部分非常多,组织者也会就此给予指导,并非完全独立完成。 Lunch was organized according to our advisory. Certain advisories were grouped together, and the groups had allotted times to eat lunch together in the cafeteria. Then, we watched a movie that the entire school would watch at different times in different places. The advisory grouping we were in would determine with who, and where, and when we’d watch the movie. The movie was called Remember the Titans and it was about racial differences. We watched this movie so it could teach us about how no matter how different you look, there is something bonding you to the rest of the world.