Hi,Ximalaya, this is LIndsay from New York. This week many things have happened. On Monday, I was supposed to go on a field trip! However, it began to rain during the day so it was canceled. Everybody was really mad that the teachers decided to cancel it because they had said: ‘rain or shine we’re going’ and yet, it drizzled a little and it was canceled! Fieldtrip就是离开学校出游了,一向是令孩子们期待的。本来Supposed to go, 结果取消了canceled,因为天气原因。Rain Or Shine,这是一个常见用法,无论出太阳还是下雨,就是说无论什么天气情况下,老师这样说,结果只是drizzled,drizzle 就是滴了几滴的毛毛细雨的意思。所以孩子们很失望了。 There were other groups in our school that got to go. We are all different classes and different classes were separated into different groups. It was really unfair that the other groups got to go while my group and class did not! However, it has been rescheduled to next Wednesday so we don’t have to wait too long for it. 别的班级去了,Lindsay他们没有。”Unfair“,不公平!更生气了!果然是孔老夫子说的,不患寡而患不均。 不过嘛,最后还是周三去了。Reschedule,就是改期。那么我们下回要听Lindsay讲一下她的FieldTrip。 In English class, we started to read a new book together. It is called The Outsiders and it is a very old book. Some people in my class said that their parents have read it in when they were in school.
(Lindsay 本学年要求精读的书) 关于读书呢,大家可以去听一下我和 Lindsay合作的另一个专辑奇想英文书世界。Outsiders中文翻译成局外人,这本书呢1967年发表,孩子们就觉得太老了,父母读过的就叫太老了。哎,我要跟他们说一下中国的孩子们还要读几千年前的古文不知美国孩子会作何想法? Also, the rehearsals(排练) for The Little Mermaid have begun. There are even weekend rehearsals for the leads. One of my good friends is playing the villain, Ursula. I am just another background character but I don’t mind too much. It is still exciting and fun to be part of the play. LIttle Mermaid小美人鱼,百老汇舞台剧,Lindsay学校开始排演了,她的朋友要演重要配角那个八爪章鱼脚的女巫乌苏拉。Lindsay自嘲自己就是个“Background”,群众演员的意思了,但是她喜欢啊。排练是个蛮严肃的事情,周末都要去呢。 I also had a meet on Thursday. It was so tiring to have a meet on a really cold day, so I didn’t run my best. Now that the week is over, I’m ready to relax and sleep. 撰稿人:Lindsay 燕语晴川主播:Lindsay 燕语晴川