学生独奏,学生乐团伴奏,毕业季的荣誉演出。 Recently, my school hosted our annual Senior Concerto Showcase. Seniors are twelfth graders and will graduate at the end of the school years. Musicians of this class were allowed to audition for the opportunity to perform a solo piece with the chamber orchestra. This is an event put together and organized by the orchestra teacher. Senior,指要毕业的学生,高中就是12年级生,现在正是毕业季,学校很多活动都在围绕毕业生展开。concerto,音乐里的专用名词,协奏曲,Showcase,就是展示的意思。要毕业的学生可以有机会做独奏,Solo 就是独奏的意思。学校的弦乐团给伴奏,必须试奏比较后选出最好的演奏者,才能得到这个机会,这是一个荣誉了 Earlier in the school year, various musicians auditioned for this and nine were chosen. This meant the orchestra had to learn nine pieces and be able to accompany a single musician. We had roughly two months to put it all together. This stressed my orchestra teacher out, since we had a very short time to learn a lot of music pieces. 九个学生被选出,弦乐团就要准备九首伴奏曲子,这个量是很大的。老师很紧张,因为排练时间不够,而且独奏伴奏都是不成熟的学生,很容易出差错的。 Since we’re only high schoolers, a lot of people do not play very well and fool around. The night of the concert finally came and we managed to play everything through. Though there were some mistakes here and there, overall, it was not a total failure, and it was kind of a relief to be over and done with it. Some of the soloists were very impressive and I enjoyed listening to them play.