Podcast Promo Intro Swaps are a great way to collaborate with other podcasters and grow your audience.....especially if you don't do many interview episodes on your podcast. In this episode I will teach you exactly how to record a 30-60 second podcast promo intro swap that will attract new ideal listeners to your show. ***If you would like to record a promo intro swap for my show please use this link and the template below: https://www.speakpipe.com/PodcastingBusinessSchool) Hey Podcasting Business School fans! It’s (YOUR NAME HERE) from (YOUR PODCAST HERE) It’s the podcast where I teach/talk about (INFO ON WHAT YOUR SHOW IS ABOUT) Check out episode (XYZ) where I talk about (topic of the episode) You are listening to Podcasting Business School Here’s your host Adam Schaeuble (SHY-BLEE)