This weekend, I spent some time reading through Senator Marco Rubio's bill to create a Federal "Red Flag" law. The "Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act of 2019," opens the door to massive intrusion into our natural rights as human beings to defend ourselves; whether it be against a home invader, or (as the founding fathers intended), a tyrannical government. Rubio's bill establishes "a collaborative, multi-disciplinary, and multi-jurisdictional behavioral threat assessment and management process on a Federal, State, local, and Tribal level." Here's the idea- We've seen far too many mass-shootings in recent years across the United States. Some of these mass shootings, a very small amount, could have perhaps been prevented. Shooters like the individual in Parkland, and recently the individual in El Paso, showed some signs of potential violent threats on innocent members of the public. The aim of a "Red Flag" law is to take these possibilities for violence into consideration, and consider confiscating all firearms from those individuals, or ban them from purchasing any firearms for an indefinite future.
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