There's a rebellion brewing and Trump is egging it on
(CNN)There's a Covid-19 rebellion brewing in Pennsylvania, where counties led by Republicans and some businesses have said they'll defy Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf's restrictive orders.
Wolf has said he'll withhold stimulus funding from those counties if they ignore his orders. He's taken a tiered strategy to reopening the state and moved scores of counties to a new, more open "yellow" phase. Some of those still on "red" don't want to wait for the state anymore.
McDonald’s Workers in Denmark Pity Us
...Grab a Danish, and we’ll chat about how a progressive country performs under stress. The pandemic interrupted my reporting, but I’d be safer if I still were in Denmark: It has had almost twice as much testing per capita as the United States and fewer than half as many deaths per capita.
Put it this way: More than 35,000 Americans have already died in part because the United States could not manage the pandemic as deftly as Denmark. --- Support this podcast: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit