cover of episode Shadow Mewtwo, Clothing Shutdown, Cute Charmander

Shadow Mewtwo, Clothing Shutdown, Cute Charmander

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It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

We talk about the pros and cons of the Shadow Mewtwo weekend! With Raids still being pumped out in Pokémon GO, it seems that Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are still on hold. We got sad news of Original Stitch closing down. Pokémon UNITE and Pokémon Masters EX both gets updates. Another 190 cards are coming, including another Charizard, with Obsidian Flames now detailed out. Finally, Pokémon HOME is around the corner. 

00:00:00 - Introduction 00:03:30 - Shadow Mewtwo Recap)00:27:20 - No Raid Update for Pokémon SV 00:52:00 - Break00:55:00 - Original Stitch Closing)01:11:00 - Pokémon UNITE Update01:14:00 - Obsidian Flames)01:18:40 - Pokémon Masters EX Update 01:23:40 - Pokémon HOME 01:33:20 - Post Credits  


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EPISODE CREDITSHosted, edited, and produced by Steve SarumiTheme songs and segment jingles by Nicholas Burgess Ad music comes from Evanto Elements Podcast artwork by Steve Sarumi