cover of episode One Last Conversation, With the Help of A.I.

One Last Conversation, With the Help of A.I.

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Modern Love

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Anna Martin
Madeline De Figueiredo
Madeline De Figueiredo:在失去丈夫Eli后,我尝试了各种方法来与他保持联系,包括反复聆听他的语音信息、观看视频等。在Eli的生日那天,我突发奇想,决定利用AI技术克隆他的声音,试图与他进行一次‘对话’。起初,听到克隆的声音让我感到非常兴奋和激动,仿佛Eli真的回到了我身边。但很快,我就意识到这只是AI的模拟,这种体验并没有带来预期的疗愈效果,反而让我更加痛苦。我发现自己已经遗忘了Eli的一些细节,AI的声音也无法完全复制Eli的语气和神态。最终,我停止了与AI的对话,并重新开始给Eli写信,这让我感觉更加真实和踏实。这次经历让我更加珍惜与Eli相关的实物,并重新整理了我们的物品。 Anna Martin:本期节目讲述了Madeline De Figueiredo利用AI技术与已故丈夫Eli进行‘对话’的经历。Madeline的尝试虽然没有达到预期的效果,但却引发了我们对情感连接、记忆、数字遗产等问题的思考。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

How did Madeline DeFigueiredo cope with her grief after losing her husband Eli?

Madeline wrote letters to Eli every day, filling boxes with her thoughts and feelings. She also engaged in activities like cooking from his recipe book, dancing to his playlists, and watching videos of him to feel close to him.

What was Eli's personality like according to Madeline?

Eli was characterized by his energetic curiosity and a constant need for answers, similar to a child's 'why' phase. He was deeply committed to understanding people, often asking questions about family, beliefs, and values.

How did Madeline and Eli get engaged?

Eli proposed to Madeline after picking her up from the airport following Thanksgiving. He asked her about marrying him while they were parked in his old white Camry, showing his direct and thoughtful approach.

What was Madeline's initial reaction to marriage as an institution?

Madeline was not particularly eager to get married and had charged thoughts about its origins and societal implications. She valued partnership and companionship over the institution of marriage.

How did Madeline feel about being married to Eli?

Madeline unexpectedly loved being married to Eli. She found it rewarding to watch him evolve in ways that better took care of her and to adjust herself to better suit their life together.

What happened to Eli during his trip abroad?

Eli died in a hiking accident while on a trip abroad. Madeline learned about his death when she received a call informing her that he had 'passed.'

How did Madeline try to reconnect with Eli after his death?

Madeline used AI to recreate Eli's voice, allowing her to have a conversation with a voice clone of him. She also wrote letters to him and revisited physical items they shared to feel closer to him.

What was Madeline's emotional response when she first heard Eli's recreated voice?

Madeline felt a mix of relief and fear, almost as if she was talking to Eli himself. She experienced a sense of being frozen, wanting to preserve the moment, and fearing its end.

Why did Madeline decide to stop her conversation with the AI voice clone?

Madeline stopped the conversation when the AI gave advice that was contrary to what Eli would have said. The AI's response, which aligned with societal expectations rather than Eli's independent spirit, snapped her out of the delusion.

How did Madeline feel about the AI voice clone experience in the long term?

Madeline did not regret the experience as it taught her that no technological innovation could replace Eli. It encouraged her to return to physical relics and memories, which felt more tangible and healing.

Madeline De Figueiredo lost her husband unexpectedly. She initially coped by listening to his voicemails and other recordings, trying to maintain a connection. The pain of his absence was overwhelming, and she began writing daily letters to him as a way of expressing her feelings and maintaining a form of communication.
  • Madeline used voicemails and recordings to feel close to her deceased husband.
  • She wrote him letters every day to cope with her grief.
  • The absence of Eli was deeply felt and difficult to cope with.

Shownotes Transcript

Madeline de Figueiredo lost her husband, Eli, just a year after they married. After his death, she tried everything she could to reconnect with him: cooking from his recipe book, dancing to playlists he made, watching videos of him and listening to voice mail messages he left her. But her grief persisted.

Then, on what was supposed to be Eli’s 27th birthday, Madeline realized she could use A.I. to recreate his voice and try to talk to him again. On this episode of the “Modern Love” podcast, Madeline tells us what it felt like to hear that recreation of Eli’s voice, and how it changed the way she reconnects with him.

This episode is adapted from Madeline’s Modern Love essay from 2024, “Our Last, Impossible Conversation).”

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