cover of episode Episode 205: Psycho 2

Episode 205: Psycho 2

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The Recommendation Game

Shownotes Transcript

Psycho 2 (1983) directed by Richard Franklin.

Two decades after the original murders at the Bates Motel, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) completes his treatment at a mental institution and returns home to find his hotel run down under the management of Warren Toomey (Dennis Franz). Despite a new friendship with a waitress (Meg Tilly) and a job busing tables at a diner, Norman begins to hear voices once again. No matter how hard he tries, Norman cannot keep "Mother" from returning and coaxing him to unleash the homicidal maniac within.

This is The Recommendation Game, a bi-weekly podcast where two film lovers take turns to recommend a film the other has not seen, they watch and then skype to discuss it. Spoilers are a given. We are Ricardo Deakin and Orla McNelis, two filmy types who love waffling. Catch us on Dublin Digital Radio every second Monday: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: