Tokyo Godfathers (2003) directed by Satoshi Kon
Middle-aged alcoholic Gin (Darren Pleavin), teenage runaway Miyuki (Candice Moore) and former drag queen Hana (Myrta Dangelo) are a trio of homeless people surviving as a makeshift family on the streets of Tokyo. While rummaging in the trash for food on Christmas Eve, they stumble upon an abandoned newborn baby in a trash bin. With only a handful of clues to the baby's identity, the three misfits search the streets of Tokyo for help in returning the baby to its parents.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year everyone!! Let the door in for the schmaltz.
This is The Recommendation Game, a bi-weekly podcast where two film lovers take turns to recommend a film the other has not seen, they watch and then skype to discuss it. Spoilers are a given.
We are Ricardo Deakin and Orla McNelis, two filmy types who love waffling.
Catch us on Dublin Digital Radio every second Monday: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: