cover of episode Manchester is RED | Amorim draws his first game | Change has arrived

Manchester is RED | Amorim draws his first game | Change has arrived

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Manchester is RED - Manchester United podcast

Samuel Luckhurst
Stephen Railston
Stephen Railston: 曼联本场比赛的表现与本赛季其他比赛类似,下半场表现不佳,平局是公平的结果。拉什福德在比赛初期进球,但曼联未能延续优势,错失了扩大比分的机会。比赛初期曼联展现出新的战术体系和球员配合,但之后失去控制,导致对手扳平比分。阿马德在右翼卫位置上的首秀表现令人满意,并且在比赛后期还创造了进球机会。阿马德的动态性和直接性是曼联进攻所需要的。卡塞米罗和埃里克森的中场组合令人意外,梅努和乌加特本应获得出场机会。卡塞米罗和埃里克森的组合表现不佳,需要进行调整。梅努在比赛中未能出场令人意外。奥纳纳在本赛季曼联的表现出色,成为球队最佳球员之一。奥纳纳在经历了艰难的适应期后,本赛季表现出色,为球队贡献良多。奥纳纳本赛季扑救出色,表现稳定。奥纳纳在比赛中做出精彩扑救,表现值得称赞。应该在夏季转会窗口清洗泽尔克斯。霍伊伦德缺乏信心,这影响了他的比赛表现。阿莫林表示,曼联需要经历一些挫折才能适应新的战术体系。阿莫林的到来是新的开始,球队需要时间来适应新的战术体系。 Samuel Luckhurst: 阿莫林在比赛中表现冷静沉着,但偶尔也会因球员表现而感到沮丧。马兹拉维和阿马德是本场比赛曼联表现最好的球员,尽管阿马德踢的是不熟悉的右翼卫位置。拉什福德、费尔南德斯和加纳乔的表现都有不足之处。阿莫林的中场选择令人费解,梅努和乌加特本应获得出场机会。德利赫特在比赛中表现不佳,多次在与前锋的对抗中失利。曼联在比赛初期展现出新的战术体系和球队定位,这令人印象深刻。阿马德在比赛中表现出色,为拉什福德的进球送出助攻,但也有位置感不足的时候。阿莫林将边路球员安排为边后卫的策略存在利弊,需要权衡。阿马德是曼联本赛季表现出色的球员之一,俱乐部应该与其续约。阿莫林对加纳乔的指导是持续性的,这反映了球员需要适应新战术体系。阿莫林选择的前锋组合是正确的,尽管拉什福德在进球后表现有所下滑。加纳乔是曼联本赛季表现最好的球员之一,但他需要适应新的内锋角色。曼联球员缺乏直觉性,这导致阿莫林需要不断地指导球员站位和跑位。人们对加纳乔的批评有些过激,应该考虑到他年轻的年龄和所处环境的压力。加纳乔在比赛中的决策存在不足。肖的复出需要时间,而埃文斯在比赛中表现挣扎。乌加特在国际比赛日后回归球队的时间总是很晚,这值得关注。乌加特的情况让人联想到卡瓦尼,他经常在乌拉圭待的时间比在曼联长。乌加特迟迟回归球队的问题,会影响曼联的精英水平。卡塞米罗和埃里克森的组合需要改变,梅努和乌加特应该获得更多机会。马兹拉维本赛季已经踢过四个不同的位置,表现稳定。马兹拉维的表现超出预期,并且在进攻端也展现出潜力。对德利赫特的引进存在疑问,他的表现未能达到预期。德利赫特缺乏灵活性,容易被对手突破。曼联长期缺乏速度快的中后卫。曼联需要在夏季转会窗口补充中后卫,并考虑清洗一些球员。曼联需要升级中后卫阵容,德利赫特是需要被考虑替换的球员。曼联需要引进能够立即产生影响的球员,而不是需要长期培养的球员。曼联需要在夏季转会窗口引进两名中后卫,并且这两名球员的类型应该有所不同。曼联需要解决中后卫位置的问题,但转会窗口的资金有限。应该在夏季转会窗口清洗泽尔克斯。泽尔克斯的表现令人失望,他不适合担任前锋。泽尔克斯的表现令人失望,曼联在引进他的交易中犯了严重的错误。阿莫林没有让泽尔克斯和霍伊伦德首发,这反映了他们目前的状态。曼联是一支反应型球队,而不是主动型球队,霍伊伦德也是如此。曼联在引进球员方面的决策存在问题,霍伊伦德的转会就是一个例子。曼联需要在冬季转会窗口积极行动,以提升球队实力。奥纳纳在上赛季初期犯下一些错误,但之后表现有所提升。奥纳纳在欧冠小组赛中的表现起伏不定,既有精彩扑救,也有失误。奥纳纳在上赛季适应期后,心理状态得到改善,表现更加稳定。曼联后防线整体表现挣扎。阿莫林被迫使用三后卫阵型,因为球队后防线球员伤病较多。肖的复出需要时间,因此阿莫林没有让他首发。阿莫林表示,球队需要时间来适应新的战术体系和阵型。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the final score in Manchester United's match against Ipswich Town?

The match ended in a 1-1 draw.

Who scored the early goal for Manchester United in the match against Ipswich Town?

Marcus Rashford scored the early goal for Manchester United in the second minute.

Why was the second half of the match described as a 'weird non-event'?

The second half lacked significant action or momentum, meandering into a draw without much excitement or threat from either team.

What was notable about Ruben Amorim's demeanor during the match?

Amorim displayed a measure of control and calmness, though he occasionally showed exasperation at certain moments, particularly when players failed to press effectively.

Which players were highlighted as the best outfield performers for Manchester United?

Noussair Mazraoui and Amad were praised as the best outfield performers, with Amad adapting well to a new role.

What criticism was directed at Marcus Rashford's performance?

Rashford was criticized for regressing after scoring an early goal, failing to maintain his performance level throughout the match.

What was the reaction of the Ipswich fans at the end of the match?

The Ipswich fans gave a raucous cheer at full time, celebrating a positive result against Manchester United.

What was the key takeaway from Manchester United's performance under Ruben Amorim?

The key takeaway was the beginning of an identity in the team's play, particularly in the first 15-20 minutes, where the players showed structure and attentiveness to Amorim's tactics.

What was the significance of Amad's performance in the match?

Amad was a bright spark for Manchester United, showing potential in a new role as a right wing-back and contributing with a brilliant assist for Rashford's goal.

What was the overall assessment of Manchester United's midfield selection in the match?

The midfield selection was criticized, with Casemiro and Eriksen underperforming, leading to calls for changes in the midfield setup.

This chapter analyzes Manchester United's 1-1 draw against Ipswich Town, focusing on the team's performance under new manager Amorim. The discussion includes the team's formation, individual player performances (Amad, Mazraoui, Rashford, Fernandes, and Garnaccio), and Amorim's tactical approach.
  • 1-1 draw against Ipswich Town
  • Amorim's new formation and tactical approach
  • Strong individual performances from Amad and Mazraoui
  • Rashford's early goal but subsequent regression
  • Fernandes's energy spent on protesting
  • Garnaccio's need to cut out theatrics
  • Amorim's midfield selection questioned
  • De Ligt's struggles in defender-striker duels
  • Amad's potential in a new role

Shownotes Transcript

Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst discuss United’s 1-1 draw against Ipswich Town and praise Amad, Andre Onana and Noussair Mazraoui.

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