Allright, so in the middle of summer, and what better way to fight the summer heat than to have a cold one and talk about tech, right? We got together again and discuss the cool things that are happening (Java 22, Kotlin 2.0), and then we take a detour on looking at what's happening in the open source space (RedHat prunes Middleware, OCI Stops Funding Grails), and we try to figure out where would it end.
So come and take a listen as we try to read the tea leaves and figure out where open source is going!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Java 22) (Haven’t recorded since then!)
Jakarta EE 11 M3 Now Available) New Features)
Jakarta Data
Quarkus is going to a foundation?)
RedHat prunes middleware to invest in AI)
Aqua IDE for test automation is GA)
OCI stops funding Grails)
Women who code ends)
Community Over Code NA Denver October 7-10
Dev2Next Lone Tree, Colorado Sept 30 — Oct 3, 2024
JChampions Conference 2024 Videos Available)
JakartaOne LiveStream December