CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a fundamental technology in web development that defines the presentation and layout of HTML documents. It serves as a styling language that allows developers to control the appearance of web pages.
Rachel Andrew) is a Staff Technical Writer on the Google Chrome) Team. Before that she worked for Mozilla and was also the Editor in Chief at Smashing Magazine. She is a member of the CSS Working Group, the Web Standards Project, and Open Web Docs. Rachel is our guest today.
Josh Goldberg is an independent full time open source developer in the TypeScript ecosystem. He works on projects that help developers write better TypeScript more easily, most notably on typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. Josh regularly contributes to open source projects in the ecosystem such as ESLint and TypeScript. Josh is a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies and the author of the acclaimed Learning TypeScript) (O’Reilly), a cherished resource for any developer seeking to learn TypeScript without any prior experience outside of JavaScript. Josh regularly presents talks and workshops at bootcamps, conferences, and meetups to share knowledge on TypeScript, static analysis, open source, and general frontend and web development.
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