cover of episode Episode 12: EoTech, Hakim Rifle, Swede Sniper Update, Freeze Processes his deer

Episode 12: EoTech, Hakim Rifle, Swede Sniper Update, Freeze Processes his deer

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The John1911 Podcast

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Episode 12 of the John1911 Podcast


  1. Cyber-Monday / Black - Friday has come and gone. We did receive a few complaints about the "You'll Shoot You're Dick Off Kid" MEME. 

  2. The Glock Giveaway is upon us. 

  3. Scott Mayer gives up a great write up on the Hakim rifle. The pictures were so good, we bought it.

  4. We finally have the Jenna scope on the M41B Swede Sniper. More shooting to come.

  5. Like we predicted, Russia won't do anything of kenetic consequence against Turkey for the jet shoot-down. Russia was asking for it.

  6. Will Bass-Pro buy Cabelas? I hope not!

  7. The FBI Selects AimPoint.


Marky & Freeze

"Shooting Guns & Having Fun"