cover of episode 【运营】作为一个普通号,我是如何做到3天增粉15万人的?


logo of podcast 【新媒体运营】运营、增粉、转化、活动、案例


主讲人:本文分享了如何通过红包活动在三天内为一个粉丝基数只有7000的公众号增加15万粉丝的经验。活动的核心是利用微信红包的吸引力,结合精心设计的系统和流程,实现粉丝的快速增长。 首先,活动采用定制开发的系统,而非标准化模板,以确保活动效果。由于订阅号无法直接发红包,活动利用服务号进行红包派发,通过订阅号引导用户到服务号领取红包。红包金额建议设置为1元,既能保证用户体验,又能控制成本。低于1元则以转账形式发放,用户体验较差;高于1元则需考虑预算。 其次,活动流程设计简洁明了,避免复杂操作降低参与度。UI设计方面,活动采用专门定制的界面,避免使用标准化低质量界面。操作流程方面,关注用户即可领取红包,方便快捷。同时,在自定义菜单中也设置了领红包入口,方便用户参与。 再次,服务器承载能力是活动成功的关键。由于红包活动参与度高,可能在短时间内产生大量并发访问,因此服务器需要具备足够的承载能力。活动前,公众号粉丝数约为7000,每条头条阅读量在1000-2000之间。活动开始15分钟内,阅读量突破1万,粉丝数翻倍达到1.6万。20分钟左右,粉丝数达到3-4万。 最后,活动利用红包的裂变传播效应,鼓励用户分享,从而吸引更多用户参与。对外宣传时,将活动宣传为“失望的红包”,以制造话题,吸引更多用户关注。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the initial fan base before the red packet campaign?

The initial fan base before the red packet campaign was 7,000.

Why was a custom system developed for the red packet campaign?

A custom system was developed because standardized templates and systems were not effective enough to execute the campaign thoroughly and successfully.

What type of WeChat account is required to send red packets?

Only a service account on WeChat can send red packets, not a subscription account.

What was the amount of the red packets sent during the campaign?

The red packets sent during the campaign were for 1 yuan, with the option to send random amounts between 1 and 5 yuan depending on the budget.

Why is it recommended to set the red packet amount at least at 1 yuan?

It is recommended to set the red packet amount at least at 1 yuan because amounts below 1 yuan are sent as transfers, which do not provide as good a user experience as red packets.

What is crucial in the system development for a red packet campaign?

Crucial in the system development for a red packet campaign is ensuring the operation process is simple and straightforward to avoid complexity that could reduce participation.

What was the fan growth after the campaign started?

After the campaign started, the fan base grew from 7,000 to 16,000 in just 15 minutes, and reached 30,000 to 40,000 fans within 20 minutes.

Shownotes Transcript

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