今天我們要介紹三個我們最愛的台灣夜市,第一個是在台北的 "饒河夜市",一整條夜市都是好吃的美食,從饒河夜市的大門口走進來,第一個要吃的就是饒河夜市最有名的 "胡椒餅",而用中藥藥材加一些肉和骨頭煮的"藥燉排骨"...
饒河夜市 Ráo hé yèshì: Raohe Night Market
胡椒餅 hújiāo bǐng: pepper bun
藥材 yàocái: Chinese herb
藥燉排骨 yào dùn páigǔ: ribs stewed in herbal soup
To keep learning this episode, go here: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/podcast/taiwan-night-markets/)
We also have simplified version for this episode, please visit: https://www.taiwanfeng.com/simplified/podcast-cn/taiwan-night-markets-simplified/)
Location of the night markets we recommended today:
Taipei - Raohe Night Market : https://goo.gl/maps/RKZ8Po5Do4iPAjwEA)
Taichung - Yizhong Night Market : https://goo.gl/maps/maTuLyuThKJZnP2Y6)
Tainan - Garden Night Market : https://goo.gl/maps/MrDF2Pv1fmCg8oqx6)
It’s very easy to go to Raohe Night Market & Yizhong Night Market by public transport, but to Tainan’s Garden Night Market, it’s better to rent a scooter first when you arrive at Tainan train station.
Tainan scooter rental (nearby Tainan train station), click here)
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