Welcome to Episode 30 of the podcast. This is going to be a solo-cast episode. I’m honestly still amazed and beyond grateful to make it to episode 30! Huge thank you to all who have supported this endeavor and shared feedback along the way. Many more awesome podcast conversations coming up with truly extraordinary guests. This episode is actually recorded in the back on the Travellers Autobarn) camper-van I was traveling in. I wanted to get out of LA on Black Friday and #Optoutside camping up the coast. My oldest nephew Howard came with me. It was a nice break for both of us. We don’t get to spend much time together as he lives north of Phoenix. He’s twenty-Two and very different from where I was in my life at twenty-two. He’s very smart, loyal and a hard worker, not saying that wasn’t me, but I had been to dozens of countries, was focused on meeting women and having crazy life experiences. Howard is a little more reserved, but he has mentioned to me several times how much he wants to travel. We talked a lot about traveling on this camping trip. I’ve told him since he graduated high school four years ago I would send him on a trip and pay his airfare and ground transportation, he just has to say when he’s ready. In sitting around the campfire drinking a beer I asked Howard so when is the right time, he said maybe February? I said what’s holding you back, he said his job. I shared with him what if I could help create an opportunity for a better job than he currently has when he returns. He loved that idea and we started working on resume together. Not sure if he will take me up on this trip in February, but I really hope so. This trip would not have been possible without my Travellers Autobarn campervan. If you follow me on social (@Schibel) @Travelwithmeaning) you’ve seen me post about the van and Travellers Autobarn several times. What you might now know if I’ve had a relationship with TAB for almost ten years since my first trip to Australia. I share about how that relationship started and talk about a video I made for them during my thirty days in a station wagon driving south on the east coast of Australia. Check out the video here and don’t hesitate to connect with Travellers Autobarn) for a road trip adventure - make sure you use the code Travel With Meaning for a discount. Thanks for listening. See you on the open road!