In the Travel News, travel demand is slowing down for next summer, for a reason you may not have considered; and we fill you in on a little known Mexican law about the number of electronic gadgets you can bring into the country.
When buying an airline ticket, you have a decision to make, do you pay more for extra space, an aisle seat, boarding early, or take your chances? In our** Smarter Traveler** segment, Mark explains why a roll of the dice can sometimes work out ok.
Who decides if a cruise ship is clean? The Center for Disease Control. We will tell you which cruise ships made the 10 dirtiest cruise ships list, and you will be surprised at some of the names.
Our odds and ends bucket includes an editorial by Rick Steves and a look at how Californians feel about tourism in our state.
These are the 10 dirtiest cruise ships, according to the CDC — including an ultra-luxury vessel)
Rick Steves on Travel and Climate Change)
Air Travel Rights for much of your European Travels)
Renew your US Passport online here)
Online passport renewal is now open for most adult Americans)
Galapagos Islands Information)
Halloween in Salem, MA)
Fly Back In Time At America’s Earliest Airports)
How to not be deceived by airline seating hanky-panky)
When airline passengers can get refunds on non-refundable tickets)
Spooky Road Trips)
The Poodle Booked It – CCCs of River Cruising)
The Poodle Booked It – River Cruising Escapades)
The Poodle Booked It – More Information)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra | Tour)
Check parking lot availability at the Sacramento International Airport before leaving home)
Sacramento International Airport Availability Map) – Chris Elliott)