Nik Arezina, Pastor Matthew Perot, & Pastor Wade Sutherland ignite hearts with this message entitled, "The Path of Victory". When the Israelites were on the edge of the Promised Land... on the edge of receiving what God had promised, they grumbled in their tents and their hearts thinking that God hated them and wanted to destroy them. Instead God was carrying them all the way to victory! Our God is the one who leads us all the way to victory! We must become experts at following Him all the way even if we have never been "this way" before. God gives us the authority and power to trample our enemies...those that are internal within our own hearts and those enemies that are external! The God of Peace will soon crush satan under your feet (Romans 16:20). This Way of Victory...this Way of Holiness demands that we purify ourselves as we perfect holiness out of reverence for God (2 Corinthians 7:1). Listen to this sermon now and begin to trample your enemies as you follow Him all the way to victory!!