cover of episode Taste & See

Taste & See

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LCM Sermons

Shownotes Transcript

Pastor Matt and Pastor Wade deliver this encouraging sermon entitled, "Taste & See". Moses sent spies out into the promised land to evaluate the condition of the people, the land, and the soil. He then asks, "Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land." Moses is asking for a sample so the people could Taste and See the giant fruit in the land. Any land with giant fruit also has giant problems! Yet the point of us having the first fruits sample is so that we will have the courage to go up and fight for what God has promised us! We can certainly do it! You can certainly do it! You are completely able! You are more than an overcomer! You are more than just daring, you are dangerous to the enemy! You can attain it! Listen to this sermon to be spurred on to be filled with the power of God! Taste and See that the Lord is good!